Frequently Asked Questions

What are the central criteria for the prize?

The Merkin Prize is first and foremost a technology prize. The Jury will evaluate nominations on the following three criteria:

  • Novelty and purpose of the technology
  • Demonstrable clinical impact
  • Inclusion of all living, key contributors to the technology

How do you define technology?

For the purposes of this prize, a technology is defined as an innovation or invention of a method or device, such as a technique used in a research or clinical laboratory, a computational method, a therapeutic medical device, or a diagnostic test. Nominations for discoveries, such as novel organisms, biological pathways, or a previously undescribed disease, or for new applications of already invented technologies, will not be considered. 

Can the nominated technology be digital?

Yes. Digital innovations such as computational methods, algorithms, and software that improve human health through prevention, diagnosis, or treatment are eligible.

My nominated technology is currently in its preclinical or clinical trial phase. Is it eligible?


Can I nominate a technology, individual, or team that has received other awards or prizes? 


Does the nominated technology have to have been developed recently?

No. But at least one of the inventors or members of an inventing team must be living.

Can I submit a nomination that recognizes more than one technology or a nominee's body of work? 

No. Nominations must be for a single, specific technology. Nominations for multiple technologies or for a nominee’s body of work or for  overall contributions to a field will not be considered. 

Can I nominate myself?

No. Self-nominations are not permitted. “Self-nomination” occurs when a nominator is listed as a nominated individual or team member. Please note that anyone anywhere in the world can submit a nomination. 

Is there a limit on the number of nominations that I can submit?

Nominators are limited to no more than two nominations per year. There is no limit on the number of nominations that come from people belonging to a single organization, department, or institution.

Is there a limit on the number of individuals or teams that I can nominate?

Although no formal limit has been placed on the number of individuals included in a nomination, more than four is discouraged except under exceptional conditions. If nominating a team, no more than 50 members of the team may be nominated. Nominations determined not to include all living key contributors may be asked to resubmit an amended nomination for consideration in  a future cycle. 

Do nominations carry over from previous years? May I resubmit a nomination that wasn’t selected?

Nominations are not automatically carried  over to successive cycles of competition. Nominators are welcome to submit an updated nomination in subsequent years for consideration. Please be sure to review the nomination requirements for changes and to include  updated materials, such as CVs. 

There are several of us who would like to nominate the same technology. Can we submit a joint nomination?

Yes. Please list all nominators on the nomination form and select one nominator to receive prize-related correspondence.

What is the process for gathering letters of evaluation?

Nominators must submit the names and contact information for up to six individuals whom the Prize Jury could contact for a critical assessment of the prize-worthiness of the technology, its clinical impact, and whether all of the key contributors are included. It is recommended that the evaluators be experts in the field who can provide highly specialized insight into the development and use of the technology. It is also recommended that nominators secure permission to list these individuals and make them aware that they may be asked to provide their expert opinion. Preferably, the recommended evaluators will not be employed by the same institution as the nominees nor have collaborated with the nominees in the performance of relevant studies.  

What is the timeline & process for evaluating nominations?

Nominations are evaluated from December to April by a panel of scientific leaders. Prize recipients are announced in May and honored at a prize ceremony in September.  

How do I receive tech support for the nomination form?


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